terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008

My life

19/06/2008 My aptitude to be My name is CAROLINE PEREIRA AMMES,about everybody call me CAROL. I am sixteen years old. My birthday in the day june,15th.The friend what much talk is:NATHÁLIA,TALITA and TAIS. My mother is MARLI and my father is JERSON. I have two brothers:The LUCIANO and DANIEL. I like each and very sports,about me favorite is voleyboll. I like funk and tche music,i don`t like black music. My password is listen music and look terror film.I like to dance and to go for ballad by night.My hobly is to talk with friend and families. I have cat,the MIMO,a dog,the CHOQUITO,with pet and now have a nestlig what your self call JOÃOZINHO.

2 comentários:

bruno disse...

muito beleza seu blog


Carol teu blog tá muito legal!
Se der coloca mais fotos..bjs